Happy Planner har igjen teamet seg sammen med GracePlaceArt og denne klistremerkeboka er en av produktene som ble til av samarbeidet. En klistremerkebok med 772 klistremerker fordelt på 30 sider.
Grace er ei jente med Down Syndrom og kunst har vært hennes terapi. Gjennom sin kunst ønsker hun å vise at alle kan følge sine drømmer, uansett funksjonsvariasjon.
Grace is a young lady who loves art. After getting her first big girl desk at 8 years old, Grace started spending more time pursuing this passion. Since then, art has become therapeutic for her; a safe space for self-expression and a technique to help her navigate emotions. GracePlace Art was created to give Grace a platform through which she could share her art and her story with the world. Her hope is to empower the Down Syndrome and special needs communities, inspiring people of all abilities to follow their dreams, no matter how wild.
Follow GracePlace Art on Instagram @graceplaceart| Check out her website (graceplaceart.com)
One kind words can change someone's entire day. This Value Pack Sticker Book has 30 sheets with 772 stickers. Add these stickers to your Happy Planner, guided journal, notebook, Memory Keeping Journal, or bullet journal to help you prioritize your tasks and decorate your spreads! Create lovely spreads with stickers that add splashes of color and rays of positivity.
• This sticker book includes 30 sheets with 772 stickers.
• Add these stickers to your monthly calendars and weekly spreads.
• Fitted for Classic Happy Planner products.
• Dimensions: 9” x 0.25” x 4.75”